Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth Fun

Happy Fourth of July!

We had a busy, wonderful 4th! Gary took the guys out to kneeboard on Lake Samish, Taryn went to work on the berry picker, and I went to the Tea Party protest in Bellingham and gathered signatures for Referendum 71 which was quite successful!

After the Tea Party Luanne and I went to the hospital to check in on Charlie and Anne. We caught a glimpse of Charlie resting in ICU - one day after quadruple by-pass surgery - and I pondered whether to pin my Tea Party button on his hospital gown while he was sleeping...but resisted.

My next stop was the reservation to secure some "fun" for the evening. I'll admit I am not a very good "fun" negotiator, and next year I will enlist help.

The evening barbecue party was at Ryan & Traci's on the new patio they have been working so hard to have ready for this event. It looks amazing! There was a great combination of family and friends there and we had such a great time.

Taryn came after work with a grossly swollen ankle - the one she severely broke in November. Not sure what exactly is going on with it, but will call the doctor on Monday for sure! We gave her some ibuprofen and made her elevate it till the "fun" began.

Uncle Genius came with his rockets to begin the show.

This one is the "mother of all rockets" and the kids were amazed at how big it was and how high it flies. There was and incredible dash of kids and adults trying to catch it before it landed. Such fun and great memories!

This was the box of "fun" I paid way too much for at the reservation.

Ryan had been there for a box of "fun" too. If I had known I would have tagged along with him. Next year!

I must say we did end up putting on a pretty sweet show! And from Ryan's house we had a clear view of and the "fun" happening around Lynden. This is definitely the 4th of July party house!

1 comment:

one blessed mama said...

Thanks for coming!
It's ALWAYS a great party whenever the Honcoops are here!!