Thursday, June 23, 2011

Random Us!

Randomly we left Lynden last nite at 8:30 - an entire day earlier than we had planned Woot! Driving at nite isn't the big guys thing (he likes to look around while he drive...I won't even go there) however we wanted to bust out the WA I-5 part of this trip. We made it to Woodburn OR around 1:30 AM. This morning we spent quite a bit of time shopping at the outlet mall there - which rocks btw. Leaving there we took the "path less followed" off I-5 till we got to Eugene. The farther South we get the better the weather gets.
At some point in the late afternoon the big guy starts thinking about bbq, so he begins a quest to find his exact bbq preference. This can only be done verbally so he makes calls and taks bbq till he knows he's on to the right one. In this case it would be Hole In The Wall Bbq right in Eugene. This is their fleet of bbq catering vehicles. Pretty impressive. So impressive the big guy just had to get the bbow in the picture!

Hole In The Wall did not disappoint! We had a great bbq meal. The brisket and ribs were our favorites. All around us people were ordering something that the servers said they were out of for the day. Curious we asked our server and it turns out they smoke 80 burgers a day, and when they're out they're out. Today they were out by 1 pm. Something tells me they are good. We generally don't think of ordering a burger at a bbq place but this is going on the list of something we must come back and try...obviously early in the day!

Well, the day got even more random as we were working on a resort for the nite. Gary found a place near Ashland and as we were heading there when suddenly he spotted - be still my heart - a major horse show happening at the fairgrounds in Medford. What show? What horses? We just had to stop and check it out. We parked right between all the horse trailer to investigate.

Oh my's a major Quarter Horse Show. That's it...we're staying right here! There were only a few events left today but we got to watch for a bit, and then wander out among all the horses settled in their stalls for the niteThis was so funny...a guy was walking by and every horse put their heads out to look at him. We are parked right next to a family from Langley BC - how random is that! Apparently the Quarter Horse show in Monroe was cancelled because of concern over the recent horse virus. There are over 600 horses at this show. The Hunter Jumper events will be on Saturday. So tonite we are camping with the horse show people at the fairgrounds. In the morning we will enjoy a cowboy breakfast with them before heading on to Reno. So much fun today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cindy-Read & loved it! Random is great... we caught an asparagus festival a couple years back in Sacramento area!..Was a riot...asp. fixed several ways... and green tiquilas to go with it!