Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Legs & Stock Market

After Thanksgiving festivities we try to plan a Stock Market game nite.

Since I didn't have to make a turkey this year I had the idea it would be fun to smoke turkey legs - like the ones you get at Disney World.

Gary did some research on a recipe and then went on a hunt for turkey legs, which were finally located at Haggen and Fred Meyer.

After spending 8 hours in a special homemade brine Gary applied a rub and they went in layers into the smoker.

Every few hours Gary added more apple/hickory wood chips and the result was an incredible smoke.

After just a few hours the amazing smell of meat was everywhere...

...and it just got better and better.

The turkey legs spent a total of five hours in the smoker and were then moved to our oven to finish and hold till serving.
Grandma flew home from Idaho today and still made the party!

After dinner the guys got down to the reason for our gathering...a game of Stock Market.

Stock Market is a board game that debuted in 1955. Our family had the 1968 version and my parents would play it with Uncle Stan & Aunt Lois. We would always be sent to bed, but loved the sound of all the fun they had.
I'm not sure how many years ago Darryl insisted we bring out the game and we started playing it again as a family.

Keeping track of you stocks always required the use of pen, paper, and a calculator. Then several years ago the guys decided it would be a good idea to start an Excell spreadsheet for that purpose. I think Ryan developed the first one, and Brandon may have revised it.

So now the board game, bank and shares tray have to make room for as many laptops as there are players - this game there were six.

The game board

The money tray

Four hours of playing resulted in Brandon winning this one!

Ross planning his strategy.

And this is the next generation of Stock Market players!


Ross and Taya said...
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Ross and Taya said...

So fun! You captured the day so well with the photos. It was great to be a part of it =)

Unknown said...

Hi! I love Stock Market too! The only site I found that has any thing of substance about it, is Check it out! :) I have created my own higher denominations of shares & money. I have uploaded the pictures and comments. I'd like to know what other lovers of this game think.