Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's all about the title

I realized as I began this post that titles are an issue with me. I enjoy coming up with interesting, pithy titles. On my three other blogs the title job seems to work out, but coming up with other-than-average titles for the mere everyday, I can tell, is going to be a bit more difficult. Don't be to hard on me.

This was Taryn's first day home after spending three days on the raspberry picker. She is a bit stressed about her farmers tan.

Another beautiful day, but a bit cooler - low 80's.

Taryn had a riding lesson this morning with a substitute trainer. We do not know them all yet and were a bit anxious to see just how good this trainer would be. I was so thankful that Hannah turned out to be a delightful and most capable fill-in for her trainer Marg.

We enjoyed some worship music on 106.5 as we drove out to Fox Bay, and I was so blessed that the young girls working in the barn were also listening to 106.5! I am impressed with the healthy environment I see here. I continually see God's gracious hand in bringing us to the right place at the right time. It is confirmed over and over.

Taryn is still getting to know Bert - the new horse we are currently negotiating to buy. It is a process of them getting to know each other and learing to work together. I really enjoy watching her lessons. Hannah had a very encouraging report for me at the end of the lesson. She see's them connecting in a very positive way. Another confirmation.

After a lunch stop at Grandma's Taryn went to Eide Farms to work with Emma while I went home to tackle three Washington Eagle Forum writing projects that simply must get done this week.

At one point I heard the neighbor horses talking, and there was Taryn and Emma in our driveway. She had walked her over from the farm since Emma can't be ridden right now.

Grandma brot Sam, Max and Jack here around 6 pm to wait for Traci to pick them up after her Seattle school shopping trip. I decided to have them build a fire and roast hot dogs for a quick but fun dinner. I have lots of food left from Britt's birthday bbq last nite so it worked out perfect.

Gary came home just in time and it was actually Ryan who came for the boys. We all enjoyed a nice casual dinner on the patio embracing every minute of this incredible NW summer weather.

I was able to bump out one of my three WEF projects, and a new News to Note will go out tomorrow. Yeah! Now on to project #2.

Brandon and Greta are making mix at Dutch Mothers tonite - a huge job that must all be done after hours. Their goal is to get all the mix made for the entire week. They just stopped by (near midnite) on their way home.


T182 said...

I your new blog. I'll have to check the other ones out later though. I did notice the other day that you had updated your 'Living in Fear' blog.

oh, and: "first comment! Woot woot!"

It's a new internet thing to be the first to comment.

one blessed mama said...

hi there!
loving all the blogs! i can't wait to have the time to sit and read them all. i'm with you, i love blogging!!!
thanks for the mention of my boys....they will love seeing their names in print! :)
thanks so much for being willing to take them yesterday. that was a huge help. sometimes i think i need 4 or 5 of me to be all the places that i need to be. thank the Lord that i have rye...he fills in all my missing spaces. :)
love the name of taryns horse. ryan thinks she needs a friend for him and name him ERNIE. :)
off to bed. sleep well dear cindy!