Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Blessing of Time

All I can say is these last three days have been an emotional roller coaster. On Monday it was hopeless. On Tuesday I was encouraged. On Wednesday morning - back to hopeless. By Wednesday evening - back to encouraged.

Our vet has seen Emma everyday. She has pain med which is keeping her mostly comfortable. I have even learned to administer it. That's my task every morning.

She is eating and drinking, and very responsive to us. All of this is good.

Yesterday the vet felt he saw improvement in the tenderness of her left hoof. Now her right hoof is sore from shifting her weight to that foot. We have begun a supplement to help strengthen them.

She wears a pad on her hoof strapped on with duct tape which allows her more comfort when walking/standing.

The vet did make sure I realized that this is all a really, really long shot attempt to save Emma. We are committed to giving her that chance.

Time does have a way of adding perspective. Time allows us to prepare. Time permits our heads to catch up with our hearts.

We are not always allowed time. I am than thankful that in this situation God has allowed us the blessing of time.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Hey you--I'm praying for your family. :)
