Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Rest

What a pleasant and restful day we had.

Really thinking of Taya today. She is so close to her due date and I know is getting a bit more uncomfortable each day. We can't wait to get the call that she's in labor. I have started taking the phone to bed with us just in case.

It will be hard being so far away from them during such an incredible event, but we are trusting God for the grace to be here when we want to be there.

We got a wonderful video from Isaiah this weekend which melted our hearts, and we have watched it over and over just to hear his voice and see his face. They are trying a new video system they plan to have at the hospital so we can see our new little grandson as soon as possible. Can't wait!

Taryn's friend Mackenzie spent the day with us while her parents went to the Seahawks game. Britt was at the game too. Shana had given him two tickets for his birthday and he had a fabulous time. Brandon and Greta spent this weekend in Seattle to celebrate their first anniversary.

In the afternoon Taryn, Mackenzie, Marika and Stacy set up their own jumping course in the Eide's field. It was a real kick to watch them go thru the course one after another.

We had a chance to watch them when we went to John and Kays for dinner. Then I really wished I had my camera along, but I didn't. Rats!

Sunday nite dinners with John and Kay has become one of our most favorite look-forward-to events of the weekend. As often as it works we combine our dinners and enjoy them together. Can't quite remember when we started this but we love it.

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