Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drama Is My Middle Name

There never seems to be a dull moment in my life.

Today the plan was to pick Taryn up from turnout right at 5 pm, rush home to hitch up the horse trailer, dash to the farm and load Bert, then scream out to Fox Bay to make a 6 pm jumping lesson. Nothing went as planned.

First: Taryn was not ready at 5 pm, so we were instantly 15 minutes behind.

Second: the horse trailer was at the back of the shop so by the time I got to the narrow door I was somehow off center and then proceeded to get my self in a big mess - stuck half in and half out. Don't ask.

Third: Gary was in a meeting and couldn't help us despite our frantic phone call complete with tears.

Fourth: Britt wasn't close enough to get to us in time to help.

I had no choice but to call our trainer and cancel the lesson. I left a mssg on her cell.

After a few deep breaths I decided to try one more time, and unbelievably I did work it out. We were now 35 minutes behind.

For some reason I decided to go anyway, so as we drove to the farm I once again called the trainer and left another message on her phone saying we were still coming. I had no idea if she got either of my messages.

We finally got to Fox Bay at 6:05 - her lesson was at 6:00.

Taryn began to tack up and discovered her horse had a shoe loose. By this time Marg, her trainer, was there, took a look at the shoe and said she couldn't ride like that. We needed the farrier to re-shoe the horse.

How? When? It can take days/weeks to get an appointment. It's one thing to not be able to have a lesson, but Taryn has a show on Saturday - her first with her new horse. No shoes, no show. Once again, tears.

I went to the barn to get the farrier's number. As I picked up the phone Marg asked if she could call him for me. He is her friend and does many of the horses at Fox Bay.

He took her call and told her he was leaving tomorrow on his boat for the weekend. We are having an amazing streak of beautiful weather this weekend and he didn't plan to be back till Monday nite.

When Marg told him our dilemma he said that if we could leave Bert at Fox Bay he would come there at 7 AM and shoe him before he left. I could not believe it. This would have never happened if I had been the one to call. He did this as a favor for, and because of his relationship with Marg.

This was such a God-thing. Marg secured Berts shoe for the nite and we put him back in his old stall. Taryn and I left Fox Bay with and empty horse trailer but so excited at how God had graciously orchestrated all these events.

But I was exhausted by the time we got home. Emma still seems quite sore when we went to the farm with her meds, and then I was discouraged.

This week has been all drama - simply too much for me.

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